About Me
The core of my creativity stems from my mother. She was always known for her sophisticated style and eye for fashion. She came from a very conservative family but always seemed to want to be free and different than her other siblings. She grew up poor and in a family of 12 kids so there was never going to be a chance to go to college. She ended up working in factories as a machinist. I remember one was sportswear and the other she worked at the longest before her death was a knitwear factory. It is here where as a child I fell in love with fabrics, clothing and how they were constructed.
I got to study the national diploma of fashion design and technology with the help of a loan my dad got from his work. And this is my journey into the world of fashion. Something I’ve always just had a great passion and love for. It wasn’t an easy road and I got to work not only in fashion and production but the retail aspect of it as well.
But one day while at home pregnant, I discovered an article in one of my international fashion magazines and there I saw a sketch of a doll. It completely fascinated me and I decided to replicate it. What started as a once off turned into something much more. I decided to create another one and before I knew it I had 6 dolls.
The ideas for my dolls originally stemmed from international design, seen by the use of lots of black and white, beige and a bit of red and the use of lots of pearls. The dolls have evolved to many other themes later, but the use of pearls and signature heart mouth is always used.
My dolls are inspired by my love for glamour, something unusual that I could never afford as a child but ironically made by hand. My dolls are me, I see myself in them. Rare, special and one of a kind.